Today, South Africa is overwhelmed with sadness at the passing of Nelson Mandela, more affectionately known as “Tata Madiba”. Mandela’s efforts at a peaceful transition and radical reconciliation laid an incredible foundation for which all South African’s are forever indebted. It is now time for us to decide how we will build upon that foundation. We must continue the fight for TRUE equality and reconciliation and this will involve efforts on every level – national government programs, community initiatives, and individual service. It is easy to be overwhelmed with how much work still needs to be done, but we can take courage from the progress already made by our Fathers and Mothers before us and BUILD UPON IT. No matter where you come from or what circumstance you find yourself in – we all have something to offer. If we work together and combine our resources and talents, we really can make a difference and continue to push South Africa to its full potential. We can show the world our “Ubuntu” spirit by remembering our past and honouring our heroes while continuing to look ahead and forge new pathways to greatness for the collective whole of the South African people. So today as you mourn the loss of the Father of our Nation, I urge you to make a commitment to be the change in your community. The best way to honour the life of Madiba is by carrying on his legacy through your own efforts at equality, unity, and freedom. Look at your community, celebrate the progress, contemplate the needs, and offer your help to be a part of the solution.
Today – we celebrate a life well lived. A life that rescued a nation and inspired the entire world.