Research clearly shows that when a woman is able to financially sustain herself, she is less prone to abuse and exploitation.
At Sparrow Society, we aren’t just in the business of creating “really cool products“.
We are in the business of creating options… real options… options for a better future, a safer future, a more empowered future. For all of us.
Gender Based Violence is a reality that many women in South Africa face. By providing economic opportunities for women, we are restoring the power back into her hands to protect herself, provide for her family, and reach for a better future. We do this through a range of skills development, job creation and enterprise development programs and opportunities:

This program works towards women's empowerment by addressing the need for financial stability for survivors to rebuild their lives free from their abuser, and the very real need of girls who lack access to these essential items
Reusable Sanitary Pads
freely distributed to
Young Women throughout Africa
made by
GBV & Human Trafficking Survivors
Empowering Survivors through:
Training in sewing, job readiness and entrepreneurship
Making of reusable sanitary pads
Full Time Social Worker offering group and individual sessions
Creating a network of Survivors who support and encourage one another along the journey to healing

“It’s been quite an experience to be able to walk alongside other women, together, to say, “Actually — we can”.
“It is not just about job creation. It’s about DIGNITY. It’s about OPPORTUNITY. And it’s about seeing new life in the midst of death and chaos.”
a woman's place is, where she wants to be
other programs:

Coffee Appreciation
Barista Skills Training
Sales & Customer Service
Job Readiness


The Young Entrepreneur Society is a course developed specifically for high school aged girls to introduce them to entrepreneurship themes and opportunities to develop their own business plan and get input from a business mentor.

★ Tech Empowers Women in the Textile Industry ★
We've developed a Business Support App for our SewBosses and distributed smart phones to them to help take their home-businesses into the digital age.
Click HERE to learn more.