Period Parties to end Period Poverty
Period Parties are a super fun and simple way for YOU to get involved anywhere in the world by throwing a party to celebrate women’s bodies, eat some bloody good food, and play informative and hilarious period games… all while advocating to END PERIOD POVERTY.
What is Period Poverty?

Period Poverty goes beyond lack of access to period products and extends to the shame, stigma and disadvantage that menstruators face. Period Poverty is a GLOBAL issue affecting an estimated 450 million people all over the world – and very likely in your own neighborhood.
Period Parties goal is to address ALL of these factors through:
01) Shedding the SHAME and STIGMA in all of our communities through promoting body-positive and informative PERIOD PARTIES (seriously- the games are hilarious, create great bonding moments and are super informative). These parties are great ways to celebrate our bodies in a fun and safe environment as we shed the shame and stigma attached to menstruation in our own lives, while supporting the same in other menstruators all over the world at the same time!
02) Fundraising for PowerPads to supply free period products to menstruators in need. We provide you with a short informative video about Period Poverty alongside action points for your guests. You will get your very own fundraising link that your guests can use to donate to join the movement to END PERIOD POVERTY. You can even earn special gifts from us for hitting different funding targets!
So are you ready to Party on, Period?
JOIN THE MOVEMENT! Sign up to throw your own Period Party and we will send you all the info you need along with your fundraising link and all the free downloads of these amazing resources to help make your party a bloody success! Don't forget to hashtag #partyonperiod for all your social posts so that we can share!